The key to a successful Youth Ministry program is finding an effective – yet safe – way to connect with kids today. Youth Ministers are charged with the profound responsibility of engaging young people within the Catholic Church, while keeping those who participate safe from harm. Not only are Youth Ministers responsible for safety, but the young person themselves and their parents must also play a role. The following guidelines have been developed to assist you in your role as a Youth Minister. Please feel free to contact the Risk Management Department or your Claims/Risk Manager if you have any further questions.
A Training Video from Catholic Mutual Group
All Youth Ministry activities should be chaperoned by adults 21 years of age or older. Minimally, the initial ten or less participants need to be chaperoned by no less than two adults. For each additional one to six youth, an additional adult needs to be added. For activities deemed to be riskier in nature, consideration should be given to making the adult/youth ratio even more stringent.
All adult chaperones must complete Diocesan Safe Environment requirements.
When chaperoning events within a secured facility, adults should designate places and times where youth participants can locate group leaders throughout the day. Chaperones should view the Youth Ministry: Everything Matters and Everyone Has a Role online training available from the Catholic Mutual website at
Chaperones are expected to attend all required meetings for a particular Youth Ministry activity so they are familiar and comfortable with the activity they will be overseeing, as well as the tasks for which they will be responsible during the activity. Please reference Chaperone Guidelines – Behavior Standards. (Exhibit G)
Adult chaperones are required to complete the Adult Liability Waiver. (Exhibit H)
A Training Video from Catholic Mutual Group
When considering any aspect of transportation to and from a Youth Ministry event, you should review the policy periodically and refer to it any time a question arises about transportation. You should also take the online training course Church Transportation – Is it Necessary and Ministry-Based?
In general, it is best to limit any church-provided transportation as much as possible. Thus, whenever possible, it’s best to have participants meet at the location. If that is not practical, the next best option is to hire a contracted carrier or utilize public transportation (i.e. airlines, city bus, etc.) If public transportation is used, no further information is required. However, if transportation is provided through a contracted carrier, signed contracts should be executed with appropriate hold harmless/indemnity language protecting the parish and the (Arch) Diocese. Also, contracted carriers should provide proof of insurance with minimum limits of liability of $2,000,000 CSL (Combined Single Limit) for in-state travel and $5,000,000 CSL for travel involving multiple states.
The third option would be utilization of volunteer drivers. A volunteer driver should always be a minimum of 21 years of age and not have any impairment which could prohibit safely driving the vehicle. If the volunteer will be responsible
for transporting other individuals, the recommended minimum age is 25.
Volunteer drivers should complete the Volunteer Driver Form. (Exhibit D) For frequent drivers, a Motor Vehicle Record check (MVR) is recommended. Volunteers using their own vehicle must maintain minimum liability coverage on their vehicle of $100,000/$300,000. The volunteer should be informed in advance that their insurance would be primary if an accident occurred. Please reference guidelines for determining Unacceptable Drivers. (Exhibit E)
We recommend that all volunteer drivers be required to take the online defensive driving course Be Smart – Drive Safe. This course is available at no cost and takes less than 20 minutes to complete.
Volunteer drivers must also complete the Driver Acknowledgement Form. (Exhibit F) This important form reviews safe driving practices all drivers should follow.
We recommend that all volunteer drivers be required to take the online defensive driving course Be Smart – Drive Safe. This course is available at no cost and takes less than 20 minutes to complete.
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