This track, designed in cooperation with Life Teen, offers an efficient and in-depth two-part series of workshops to provide formation for youth ministers. It includes presentations that are practical, academic, theological, and spiritual, all while stressing that the most important factor in successfully evangelizing and discipling adolescents is the human one: the authentic witness and genuine love of those willing to invest in the spiritual growth of younger souls. This track also helps youth ministers support families, who primarily bear the formative responsibility for children.
The vision of St. John Paul II in inaugurating World Youth Day, developed into a decades-long challenge to the Church to call each generation of youth and young adults to the heights of sainthood. This apostolate to the future is at the heart of renewal. This track offers a three-part set of workshops targeted to the unique world of the young adult, ages 18-35. Any effort to evangelize and make disciples of young adults must start with a carefully-formed Catholic worldview and a genuine missionary mindset. Workshops explore the essential elements for developing and growing in faith as a young adult, and effective guidance for those in ministry to this age group. Particular attention is given to sustained long-term growth in the spiritual life, not just short-term gains.
Los talleres en esta concentración fueron desarrollados para apoyar a los agentes pastorales en sus ministerios particulares. Hay talleres con enfoque general, como el acompañamiento, y otros con enfoque específico, como el catecumenado. Incluso hay talleres para padres de familia, para apoyarlos en su labor primordial de formar a sus hijos en la Fe. Esperamos que aquí encuentren el apoyo necesario par llevar a cabo el llamado particular que Dios les ha hecho en su vida.