Bishop Flores appointed to Vatican Preparatory Commission for the Synodal Assemblies
The Holy See Press Office announced March 15 that Bishop Daniel E. Flores has been appointed as a member of the Preparatory Commission for the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops.
The committee, which was organized by Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, includes three bishops, three priests and a religious sister.
Following his appointment Bishop Flores shared the following:
“To be asked to contribute in some way to the work of the Synod, especially now in preparation for the Synodal gathering in Rome next October, is an honor and a challenge that makes me think of my own personal limitations. I also think of the prayers and support of the People of God in the Diocese of Brownsville; they have taught me much about how the Lord is present and active within his People.
The preparation effort for the Synod, like the Synodal way itself, is at the service of the communion of the local churches within the universal Church. I hope to carry what I have learned and experienced in the Diocese of Brownsville, and in the work of the national and continental assemblies, with me as this work moves to the Assembly in Rome, presided by the Holy Father.
I pray that the Holy Spirit deepen our perception of the mystery of Christ in our midst, and continue to move us all to greater active participation in the Communion and Mission of the Church.”