The office of vicar general is closely linked to the power of the bishop (ad nutum episcopi) and, in exercising it, he must act according to the will and intentions of the latter (c.480). The vicar general is constituted to assist the bishop: “he has to help him in the government of the entire diocese”, says c. 475 S 1. The bishop may, at any time, advocate for himself the knowledge and decision of any matter.
Most Rev. Mario A. Aviles, C.O.
Vicar General
San Juan Pastoral Center
700 N. Virgen de San Juan
San Juan, TX 78589
P. (956) 784-5010
F. (956) 290-9196
The Judicial Vicar acts as a resource to the Bishop for Canonical matters. The Judicial Vicar also serves as a consultative agency for Priests, Religious and Laity in Canonical Affairs. The Judicial Vicar heads the Tribunal. With two offices, the main one in Brownsville and another in San Juan. The Tribunal serves as First Instance Court for petitions challenging the validity of marriage and judges by trial the rights of physical and juridic persons. The Tribunal renders judgments at the request of and on behalf of people seeking justice under a set of guidelines and laws established as part of the universal law of the Church.
Very Rev. Ariel Oliver Angel, J.C.L.
Judicial Vicar
700 N. Virgen de San Juan
San Juan, TX 78589
P. (956) 784-5070
F. (956) 784-5087
The office of the Chancellor sees to it that curial acts are drawn up, authenticated, expedited, and safeguarded in the archives. Annual statistical data is collected to provide reports to the Vatican, the Official Catholic Directory, national and state catholic conferences and to publish the diocesan directory.
Rev. Andres E. Gutierrez
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The Moderator of the Curia coordinates administrative activities under the authority of the Bishop and ensures faithful fulfillment of office by other members of the Curia.
Most Rev. Mario A. Aviles, C.O.
Moderator of the Curia
Brownsville / San Juan
700 N. Virgen de San Juan Blvd.
San Juan, TX 78589
P. (956) 784-5010
F. (956) 290-9196
Rev. Luis Fernando Sanchez, J.C.L., E.V.
Assistant Moderator of the Curia
San Juan
700 N. Virgen de San Juan
San Juan, TX 78589
P. (956) 784-5053
F. (956) 784-5081
Rev. Andres E. Gutierrez
Assistant Moderator of the Curia
1910 University Blvd.
Brownsville, TX 78520
P. (956) 542-2501
F. (956) 542-6721
Clergy: Serves as a liaison between the Clergy and the Bishop; promoting effective communication between them. This office also responds to expressed needs of the clergy and structures opportunities for spiritual and professional development.
Religious: Serves as the Bishop’s liaison with the Religious engaged in ministry in this diocese. Reviews contracts, assuring that the religious receives the proper salary and benefits in accord with diocesan policy and responds to the expressed needs of Religious.
Rev. Msgr. Heberto Diaz, Jr.
Vicar for the Clergy
1910 University Blvd.
Brownsville, TX 78520
P. (956) 542-2501
F. (956) 542-6751
Vicar for Religious
Episcopal Vicar for Apostolic Movement And Pastoral
Rev. Luis Fernando Sanchez, J.C.L.
Episcopal Vicar for Canonical Affairs
San Juan Pastoral Center
700 N. Virgen de San Juan
San Juan, TX 78589
P. (956) 784-5053
F. (956) 784-5081